Tidal House

16 July 2024

Products Used

  • Internorm HF410, HX300, HS330

Architect: Brown & Brown Studio
Photography: Jim Stephenson
A stunning award-winning new-build in Dumfries.

A contemporary, wooden-cladded house with bespoke windows and a rock wall surrounding the property.
A courtyard on a property with a single tree surrounded by wood-panelled walls and floor to ceiling windows.
A field with long grass and a modern house in the background with the lights on.
A contemporary wooden-cladded property with large, floor to ceiling windows and a stone wall surrounding it.
A modern house with a brick base and a wooden-cladded second floor, and a covered driveway.
An architecturally-designed house with exterior wooden cladding, large windows, and sliding patio doors.
A modern house with floor to ceiling glass windows, a corner patio and a rock garden.

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